
Janos Peterdi Photographer

Utah, Arches National Park

Leaving the state of Wyoming behind, we entered Utah through Idaho. We only drove through Idaho, we had to move south from the cold, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable to keep traveling. In the cold it is uncomfortable to be outside, to cook, to bathe, to hike, to sleep, everything.

We’re not squeamish, just the car wasn’t prepared for it. A van with heating can stand up perfectly suited to the purpose. But it won’t cost $ 2000, maybe next time. Now it is enough for us to pull into warmer landscapes such as the State of Utah.

Immediately the temperature rose 10 ° C as we rolled down for approx. 1000 km, it was a very pleasant feeling. The days are much more bearable, the air in the mountains cools at night, but there is no need to zip the sleeping bag. At least for me, but I have enough fat, which I have accumulated for this purpose. Of course, when we get home in a matter of seconds I will be breaking the individual records with my ideal race weight in January.

By the way, we miss the swimming pool and a lot of things! I’m not going to list you, but the point is that what’s going to happen at home is discussed daily. Don’t be misunderstood, this was our dream come true, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a homeland. All right, maybe the first day was the worst when we left Budapest, family, friends behind us.

Since then, we are getting closer and closer. However, not only this half year we are away from Budapest, but before that we spent nine months in Germany. And the year ahead of that, I was in Budapest, but actually all the time on the living room couch, preparing for law exem.
Work has been healing at UPS as delivery and there is no better remedy than this trip. Somehow I don’t feel like anything else would work better, everyone understands it the way they want. At home, we will have to work again anyway.

Not that we’re not working right now. Maintaining such a tour and lifestyle is a lot of work, and daily tasks also take up a lot of time, not least image processing, video editing, blogging. I don’t complain, stay away from me.

So we already enjoy hiking in Utah, the first destination is the Arches National Park, which makes it feel like you were dropping into the Road Runner Show. Seriously, I think the drawers came over and copied the rocks exactly how they are, and then drew the coyote with a huge dose of dynamite.
The name of the arch at the end of the gallery is Delicate Arch, but let the pictures tellt he story further.

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